October 2018, 20th Edition

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Welcome! Fall is here, and I have some great things to share with you.

First of all, we are having our yearly Storewide Sale on October 5th & 6th. There will be 20% off most everything in the store with just a few exceptions.

Stock up on supplies (who doesn’t need solder?!) and get new items for your future projects.

I am also excited to bring in a guest instructor from Ohio this month, Sharon Carothers.  She will be teaching “Unique Mud Sculpting with Alcohol Ink.” Ms. Carothers has worked in this medium for many years, and we are thrilled to have her expertise at our disposal!

--Judy Shumway, Owner

Why Do We Say It?


Free Lance

Why is an independent writer, photographer, etc called a “FREE Lancer”?

A medieval mercenary soldier who was free of any continuing loyalties was known as a “free companion.”  Sir Walter Scott in his novel “Ivanhoe” coined a more descriptive term for such a soldier “free lancer.”

Spotlight Project

Dye Sublimation

This is a process in which a picture image is infused onto a tile or glass.  You still retain your original picture. We provide this service at our shop, and then you can frame it with glass or inlay it into a wooden box which is also available here.  

We have several different sizes and samples available at the front counter. Stop and take a look at the samples when you come into the store for our annual sale!

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Current Specials




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Upcoming Classes

To check out all our newly scheduled classes, click HERE!

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Just for fun, here is a fun WORD FIND!

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--Submitted by Renae Ehle

Use copper patina on zinc and it will give you more solid black coverage.


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