January 2019, 21st Edition


Welcome To The New Year!

“My favorite outdoor activity is going back inside”.
— Source Unknown

A new year, and we’re excited about bringing you more stained glass adventures!

On January 19th we are offering a first time Vitrigraph Bowl class.  This technique calls for pulling shards of colored glass from a kiln overhead. As it melts, it comes out of the kiln and you pull it into thin strings-then take those strings of glass and fuse it into a bowl of your design.  Check out a video of Sonja demonstrating this technique here: https://youtu.be/2QHrha_r9Ds. You do not want to miss this class—it’s just too cool!

Our one-day “Fusing Fun” classes have new projects that are too cute to pass up. Go to our website at eglassgarden.com/all-classes to view all our upcoming classes and sign up online.

Thinking ahead…we have scheduled a Lead Came class in April.  Some of you have been asking for this, and we have not offered it for a very long time, so we are bringing it back to you.  

Enjoy the wonders of winter!

Judy Shumway


Why Do We Say It

Cheshire Cat.

Where did we get the expression “grin like a Cheshire Cat”?  From Ireland!

Cheeses once sold in Cheshire County, Ireland, were molded to look like cats—and these “cheese cats” had very broad grins.




We have decided to highlight artists quarterly who have done glass with us through the years.  

This quarter it’s Charity Sullivan. She has been coming to our workshop for around 8 years. The projects she likes to do are sometimes outside the box but this time it IS an actual box—a present box, that is!

Thanks for the great idea!

Current Specials


20 off faceted jewels thumbail--web.jpg


15% off bevel thumbail--web.jpg


20 OFF blue sheet glass thumnail.jpg

Upcoming Classes

To check out ALL of our newly scheduled classes, click HERE!

wordfind image.jpg

Just for fun, here is a fun WORD FIND!



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